In-House Laboratory Testing

At the Hills Veterinary Centre we can perform many blood & urine tests in the clinic!

What does this mean?

- Faster test results for critical patients

- Accurate Pre-Anaesthetic Blood Testing

- We are able to perform blood & urine tests while you wait! Helping us diagnose or rule out kidney disease, liver disease, cardiac disease, thyroid disease urinary tract infections and so much more!

- Scroll down for more in-depth info!



Catalyst One Chemistry Analyser
Unprecedented clinical insight in one sample run during the patient visit

In one run with one sample, get chemistry and electrolyte results in only 8 minutes, total T4 in as little as 15 minutes.
Results available during the veterinary patient visit for improved pet owner understanding.

catalyst one drawer opencatalyst one front with tt4 slides



LaserCyte Dx Haematology Analyser
Comprehensive, real-time haematology results

- Access reference laboratory-quality technology in real time with your in-house laboratory.
- See comprehensive results, including a true five-part white blood cell differential, absolute reticulocyte count, body fluid analysis capabilities and more.
lasercyte dx hero



SediVue Dx Urine Sediment Analyser
The new standard for urine sediment analysis

- Delivers consistent, accurate results in approximately three minutes* from only 165 μl (four–five drops) of fresh uncentrifuged urine.
- Examines the equivalent of 45 high-power fields, then identifies and classifies elements within the sediment.
- Produces high-resolution, high-contrast digital images that can be shared in real time.
- Leverages cutting-edge Neural Network 4.0 technology to better identify abnormalities with each result generated.

vet loading sample sedivue dx



Idexx image



Images Courtesy of IDEXX Australia.